Help Document

How to install the MDM profile in your mobile device?

To automate the installation of the ADSelfService Plus’ iOS app in your device, you must first install the mobile device management (MDM) profile in your iOS device. Your administrator will send a MDM registration link to your email address. You can use that link to install the MDM profile. Follow the steps given below:

  • Open the received MDM registration link in a Safari browser. You'll be redirected to the ADSelfService Plus' console.
  • Enter your domain User Name and Password.
  • Select the appropriate domain name from the drop-down list.
  • MDM Home page

    Note: Additionally, if you receive a verification code along with the registration link, enter the verification code to verify your identity.
  • Click Enroll.
  • In the Install Profile window that opens, select Install.

  • Install Profile Prompt

  • Select Install in the App Installation pop-up window.
  • App install popup